Zenit Community Scholarship Program
Why should I support the Zenit Community Scholarship?
Zenit is a welcoming community, where children are prepared for the challenges of the future in a calm, close-to-nature environment; working with small classes and groups gives opportunities to all students to follow and develop their individual talents and interests. We are of the opinion, that every child would benefit from our school. At Zenit we all put great emphasis on the community: we are not just a foundation financed school, we are also a cohesive group working towards common goals, according to our shared values.
What is the Zenit Community Scholarship Program about?
The Community Scholarship was created by the collaboration, creative and communal thinking of the Zenit families, with the full support of the school. It aims to extend the circle of families and children who can join the school’s community, through partial or full financial support. We intend to aid big families with the sibling scholarships and aspire to create a financial safety-net for the community, in case any member finds themselves in an unexpected, difficult situation and in need of assistance.
How can I support the Program?
The community has already funded two sibling scholarships for the 2023/24 school year. However to achieve our further goals we need a wider range of supporters. One can back Zenit's scholarship program personally or as a company, with either a smaller amount transferred on a monthly basis, or with a one-off larger amount. There is no minimum amount requirement, every Forint counts. The conservator of the school, the ZENIT Educational Foundation (ZENIT Oktatási Alapítvány) can provide documentation for tax base reduction to all sponsors (titkarsag@zenitiskola.hu).
We appreciate every financial contribution, but are also grateful if you promote our program in your networks!
Banking information
Name: ZENIT Oktatási Alapítvány/ ZENIT Educational Foundation
Bank account number: 11600006-00000001-98214827
IBAN: HU22 11600006-00000001-98214827
COMMENT: közösségi ösztöndíj/community scholarship
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